Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Inovasi Tidak Semestinya Pada Teknologi

Apabila mendengar perkataan inovasi, ramai orang menganggap bahawa ianya mesti melibatkan teknologi yang canggih. Contoh yang jelas ialah pembuatan kereta, pen al-quran, kapal terbang sonik, facebook, Google+, Lot.my dan macam-macam lagi.
Pendek kata, ramai usahawan menganggap bahawa untuk inovasi itu berlaku, mesti melibatkan penghasilan produk IT atau kejuruteraan.
Ini adalah tangapan yang salah. Selain teknologi, inovasi boleh berlaku pada business model. Saya akan beri 2 contoh syarikat terkenal yang melakukan inovasi melalui business model.
Dell telah melakukan inovasi business model dengan menjual customize computers. Senang cerita, Dell memberi pilihan kepada pelanggan untuk memilih ciri-ciri komputer yang menepati selera dan kemampuan kewangan pelanggan. Pelanggan boleh pilih nak CD-ROM yang macam mana, hard disk besar mana, processor laju mana, dan sebagainya.
Setelah membuat tempahan di website, baru Dell akan assemble/pek kan komputer tersebut dan menghantarnya ke rumah pelanggan. Tidak seperti syarikat-syarikat lain yang menjual komputer dengan pakej-pakej yang fixed.
Semua alatan-alatan komputer tersebut di bekalkan oleh syarikat-syarikat lain kepada Dell. Contohnya Seagate, sebuah pengilang hard disk yang terkenal di dunia.
Soalan: Dell menjual komputer. Bukankah itu bermakna Dell masih melakukan inovasi berkaitan teknologi?
Jawapannya: TIDAK sepenuhnya. Semasa syarikat Dell baru sahaja bermula, Dell hanya menjual alatan-alatan komputer sama seperti syarikat-syarikat lain. Mereka cuma melakukan penjenamaan semula iaitu DELL. Kemudian, mereka menggunakan customized e-commerce website (yang begitu ramai programmer IT boleh membangunkannya) sebagai enabler (pemboleh cara) bagi inovasi business model mereka. Setelah syarikat mereka berkembang besar, baru lah mereka menghasilkan produk-produk inovasi berasaskan teknologi canggih seperti Dell Blades Server.
Groupon adalah contoh paling ketara dalam melakukan inovasi pada business model. Mereka mewujudkan satu cara baru untuk usahawan mempromosi produk dan servis mereka. Para pembeli pula dapat membeli produk atau servis yang mereka suka pada harga yang sangat murah. Hasilnya, mereka di rekodkan sebagai syarikat yang paling cepat berkembang dalam sejarah manusia dan mendapat hasil jualan sehingga berbillion US Dollar setahun.
Soalan: Tapi Groupon menggunakan email marketing software. Bukankah itu juga bermakna mereka juga melakukan inovasi berkaitan teknologi?
Jawapannya: TIDAK. Email marketing software hanyalah sebagai enabler (pemboleh cara) bagi menjayakan inovasi business model mereka. Bersepah-sepah email marketing software ada di luar sana. Sama seperti customized e-commerce website yang digunakan oleh Dell. Groupon tidak menjual email marketing software sebagai produk mereka. Dell juga tidak menjual customized e-commerce website sebagai produk mereka. Kedua-duanya adalah teknologi yang dugunakan sebagai enabler kepada inovasi business model mereka.
Malah, Groupon tidak menggunakan in-house email marketing software pun. Mereka outsource kepada Mailchimp.
Bagi kedua-dua contoh di atas, kelemahan yang perlu di atasi bagi menjayakan inovasi business model tersebut adalah modal perniagaan yang besar dan promosi secara aggresive dan besar-besaran. Sekiranya tidak, pesaing akan mula nampak keberkesanan business model tersebut dan mula melakukan perkara yang sama. Sekiranya ada modal besar dan promosi besar-besaran dilakukan, maka syarikat tersebut akan mendapat first mover advantage iaitu memonopoli pasaran pembeli.
Begitulah artikel untuk kali ini. Yakinlah, anda boleh melakukan inovasi walaupun anda tidak mempunyai latar belakang IT atau pun engineering.
Source: Aidan's Blog
Monday, July 18, 2011
How to get Loads of Customers & Users for Every Thing You Do
Some people just keep getting customers. They start something new and gallons of people gather to cheer them up and even pay for it! Seems like they have magnet or something. They launch a new web-app, a new outlet, new line of product, experimental flavor of coffee – they have loads of customers buying it.
That makes you think that you should work on getting customers and that’s it – Marketing with a capital M. But guess what? It doesn’t work that way. If you don’t want to work your asses off trying to get customers without great success then read on…
So what is it that they are doing but you are missing? How come their plans sure to succeed and yours… not so much! Why is it so easy for them and so though for you?
The answer is simple than you think – they focus on making fans and audience; not customers. They make a tribe of people who care and want listen to them… people who connect to them, people who believe in the same things that they do.
And once they have the tribe / fan-base / following in place – they can take them on different adventures. Product-after-product, launch-after-launch, trial-after-trail they keep getting bigger. They always know that whatever they want to sell – they have fans that will so easily turn to customers.
There is lot of difference between getting fans and getting customers.
When you are trying to get customers, you keep adding stuff till it becomes unbearable, you want it to be perfect so you never ship and you are so afraid of making a point and believing in a cause.
But when you are working on getting fans & audience – you love them, teach them, grow with them, build with them, ship often and above all – it’s enjoyed from both sides.
And that’s marketing! Here is Steve Jobs crowing about it:
Source: 64Notes
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
5 Sebab Mengapa Pelanggan Berkata Kepada Anda "Mahalnya produk ni!"

Setiap usahawan pasti akan melalui perkara ini di mana pelanggan tidak berpuas hati dengan harga yang di tawarkan. Ini bukanhlah perkara yang boleh di pandang remeh kerana setiap pelanggan mempunyai sebab mereka sendiri untuk tidak berpuas hati dengan harga tersebut. Berikut di kongsikan 5 sebab utama menapa pelanggan tidak berpuas hati dengan harga produk atau servis anda.
1) Mereka tidak nampak ‘Value’ produk anda.
Kadangkala, pelanggan tidak nampak kesesuaian harga produk atau servis anda dengan harga yang di tawarkan. Jadi, anda harus pandai menerangkan kepada mereka kelebihan-kelebihan dan manafaat yang mereka bakal dapat jika membeli produk anda.
2) Mereka sudah ‘Survey’ harga di tempat lain.
Boleh di katakan produk atau servis yang sama banyak terdapat di pasaran. Sebagai contoh, komputer. Terdapat banyak jenis komputer di pasaran yang mempunyai rupa bentuk yang hampir sama, namun tidak semuanya mempunyai ciri-ciri yang sama. Anda perlu pandai mempamerkan ciri-ciri dan kelebihan produk anda kepada pelanggan. (Rujuk point no.1)
3) Pesaing anda menjual dengan harga yang lebih murah.
Sesetengah pesaing pandai bermain dengan harga. Mereka menjual produk yang sama seperti anda tetapi meletakkan harga yang lebih murah. Di sini anda perlu menerangkan kepada pelanggan anda bahawa produk anda mempunyai lebih banyak kelebihan berbanding produk pesaing anda.
4) Mereka mahu harga yang lebih murah.
5) Harga tidak sama dengan bajet mereka.
Biasanya setiap pelanggan mempunyai bajet mereka sendiri. Jika harga anda melebihi dari bajet mereka, sudah tentulah mereka akan terperanjat dengan harga anda. Tapi, ini tidak bermakna mereka tidak mahu membeli, ini bermakna mereka perlukan sedikit masa untuk ‘adjust’ semula bajet mereka. Berikan mereka masa untuk berfikir.
(Credit Image: SquareSpace)
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Labels: Lot.my Certified Trainer
Introducing Lot.my Certified Trainer Program

What is Lot.my Certified Trainer Program?
Lot.my Certified Trainer Program is a business opportunity program where you can make money by providing the training on how to use Lot.my (www.lot.my).
What is the Unique Selling Point (USP) of this program?
Lot.my has solved the key problems of most people who wants to do online business. Those problems are: -
(a) high cost of an e-commerce website
(b) lack of IT knowledge
However, even though Lot.my is very easy for anybody to create an online store in less than 5 minutes, there are still a great number of people who still need hands-on guidance and support to lead the way.
This is where the money making opportunity comes in for YOU!
What are the benefits?
• Freedom to Charge
You can impose any reasonable amount of training fee to your participants. The revenue is 100% yours. Lotdotmy Sdn Bhd will not ask for any cut.
• Allowed to give 60 Days Free-Trial for Lot.my Premium Account
This exclusivity is only for those who attend your training session. Every certified trainer will be given a special access into Lot.my system to enable this option for their customer(s). This is a very good selling point for you to promote your training service since nobody else in the market has this privilege from Lotdotmy Sdn Bhd.
• Marketing
We will list out your contact details on the Trainers Information List on our website according to state (negeri) and area (kawasan). For example:-
Kuala Lumpur
Mohd Akmal AlwanTaman Cheras Utama, Kuala Lumpur.
Mobile: 013-33XXX52
Email: akmalalwan@gmail.my
Azman Training & Services Sdn Bhd
Azman Hj Ismail
Bangunan Medan MARA, Kuala Lumpur
Mobile: 012-339 9XX4 / 03-271XXX27
Email : azmanats@gmail.my
Web: www.lottraining.blogspot.my
Biznet Business ResourceTan Siew Peng
Damansara Perdana, Selangor.
Mobile: 013-38XX998
Email: info@niagalot.my, tansiewpeng@gmail.my
Blog: www.blog.niagalotmy.my
Website: www.niagalotmy.my
Lotdotmy Training Sdn Bhd
Mohd Alif Nordin
Damansara Utama, Selangor.
Mobile: 019-385XX68
Email: info@lotdotmy.com, alif@gmail.my
Blog: www.blog.lotdotmy.com
Website: www.lotdotmy.com
• Support
(a) You will be given full dedicated support by our trainer’s support department. The support communication will be done via phone, fax, email, and chat box. You may contact us from 9am to 5pm on working days for any inquiry.
(b) You are entitled to use the Lot.my Certified Trainer widget on your blog or website. This will help you in terms of credibility of your training service.
Keputusan Peraduan iPad 4 Bloggerz Lot.my
Pemenang Hadiah Utama: Apple iPad 16GB
Mohd Hafiz Bin Mokhtar - http://hafism.com/blog/bina-kedai-online-anda-dengan-lot-my/
Pemenang Tempat Kedua: Apple iPod Touch 8GB
Khairil Anizan Alang Bee - http://blogkedaisiberneka.blogspot.com/2011/03/jom-berniaga-di-kedai-online.html
Pemenang Tempat Ketiga: Apple iPod Shuffle 2GB
Amylia Adam - http://wallposter.tumblr.com/post/4656964054/lot-my-give-me-ipad
7 Pemenang Hadiah Saguhati: TShirt Eksklusif Lot.my
Pemenang Bulan Mac
Pemenang Hadiah Utama: Apple iPod Shuffle 2GB
Siti Nur Syuhada Salleh - http://syu90contest.blogspot.com/2011/03/ipad-4-bloggerz-lotmy.html
Nurul Aiman Ahmad - http://missaimaan.blogspot.com/2011/03/now-everyone-can-jual-online-to-world.html
Hawa Ishak - http://ouhmagic.blogspot.com/2011/03/perniagaan-internet.html
Pemenang Bulan April
Pemenang Hadiah Utama: Apple iPod Shuffle 2GB
Siti Norumairah Binti Ahmad - http://capucinost0ry.blogspot.com/2011/03/apa-itu-lotmy.html
Mariatun Qibtiah binti Mohammad Jasni - http://taufikmaria.blogspot.com/2011/03/create-your-online-store-here.html
Suhaila Saleh - http://mamasayanakmenang.blogspot.com/2011/03/perniagaan-internet-sistem-e.html
Nur Haryati Roserun - http://yatyroserun.blogspot.com/2011/03/peraduan-dari-lotmy-hadiahnya-ipad-4.html
Shaizhar Abu Bakar - http://myshaizharblogcontest.blogspot.com/2011/03/peraduan-ipad-4-bloggerz-lotmy.html
Pemenang Bulan Mei
Pemenang Hadiah Utama: Apple iPod Shuffle 2GB
Kamaruzaman bin Abdul Wahab - http://www.ustazlove.com/blog/2011/04/lot-my-revolusi-baru-kedai-online
9 TShirt Eksklusif Lot.my
Nik Normasitah Binti Nik ismail - http://hatisamronkin.com/2011/04/perniagaan-internet-lebih-senang-dengan-lot-my/
Nor Azri Syahirah Mohd Sabri - http://www.ieyra.com/2011/04/lotmy-perfect-online-store-builder.html
Muhammad Arif Bin Mohd Radzi - http://ceriterarif.wordpress.com/2011/04/20/lot-my-malaysia-ecommerce-domain/
Kamaruzaman bin Abdul Wahab - http://www.ustazlove.com/blog/2011/04/lot-my-revolusi-baru-kedai-online
Amylia Adam - http://wallposter.tumblr.com/post/4656964054/lot-my-give-me-ipad
Mohd Aizuddin Bin Supangat - http://aizuddin.com/kedai-online-percuma-dengan-lot-my/
Mohammad Amin bin Johari - http://rhkfc.blogspot.com/2011/05/bayar-yuran-secara-on-line.html
Ahmad Zainol Arifin bin Ibrahim - http://anakwalid.blogspot.com/2011/05/nak-buka-kedai-online-menarik-lotmy.html
UPDATE: Gambar beberapa pemenang yang datang ke office kami.





Lot.my Global Ecommerce Partnership

Recently, Lotdotmy Sdn Bhd (www.lot.my) has decided to come up with the "Lot.my Global Partnership Program".
Below are the details about it:-
What is Lot Global Partnership Program
Lotdotmy Sdn Bhd is the company that owns the e-comerce platform at www.lot.my. We plan to grow our business to other countries via our Global Partnership Program. Our target is to operate in 20 countries within the next five years. We adopt a Partnership concept to create business opportunities and team up with enterprising entrepreneurs and companies from around the world. Due to the nature of this business, there will only be one Partner in each country.
Global Partnership Benefits
The Partners will be provided with the following:-
(a) A Website:
a. Initial setup of the sales website
b. Minor website adjustments to suit the local market
(b) A System:
a. Initial setup of the e-commerce system
b. Minor system adjustments to suit the local market
c. Installation, maintenance and support of the system technical aspects
d. Continuous upgrades of system features
(c) Product knowledge training
Meanwhile, the Partners shall be held accountable for the:
(a) Marketing & sales in the Partner’s respective country
(b) Daily operation management in the Partner’s respective country
(c) Customer support service in the Partner’s respective country
(d) Translation of the User Manuals and Website Contents into the Partner’s local languages
In conclusion, you don’t have to worry about hiring a single technical expert. Let us handle the hassle for you.
Global Partnership Revenue Model
Interested applicants must pay a one-off initial startup fee of USD5000 as a sign of commitment to the partnership. The payment must be made AFTER the necessary agreements have been signed and stamped. Lotdotmy Sdn Bhd and its Partners will have a revenue sharing model for the Partnership.
Who to Contact?
If you are interested in exploring the Lot Global Partnership, please contact me, Alif (alif[at]aidan.com.my), the Director of Global Partnership Program.