- Signup
This step is the quickest. It just took me 5 seconds to finish it. To signup, please click
Make sure you entered all the details. Remember, your email must be valid as all the information will be sent to your email. Once done, just click the Sign-up and start Selling button.
Congratulation. You've just created your online store. Wasn't that a breeze? Please remember the important link as shown in the image below. The same information is also sent to your email account.Now, to manage your new store, just click the button Login and Start Selling Now. It will bring you to your admin page.
- Setup Account and Store
Now you are in admin page, to enter, just put in your password and click Login.
Once login, for the first time, you can see the basic guide on how to setup your store. You just need to finish all the items to get your store ready.
First setup your account details. Just go to Setting > Account. Make sure you put your first name and last name here. In case you want to change your password, please do it here. Else just leave it blank.
Then, you need to setup your store. Just go to Setting > Store. Here you could add header, pick theme, put store description and more.Great, now you're one step closer to selling online.
- Gather Product Information
If you're planning to open your online store, I guessed you may have this information ready. Just make sure you have all the details of the products like the description, price, model, etc. And make sure you have photos of you product. The more the better as Lot.my allows you to add as many product photos as you want. - Add Product
Once you ready with your product details, just head to the Product tab at the top. Since you're new your product list will be empty.
To start add new product, just click the Insert button. There are many tabs and you can choose to fill all the fields or just the required ones (with *)
Continue to add all you products and once completed. You can see it available on your online store.
You can also create categories for your product but that is optional. - Check Shipping
Now you need to check the shipping options in Setting > Shipping. As default we set flat rate for the shipping cost. You can always change it as you want. Either it flat rate, per item, weight based or even for free. It all your choice. To enable the option, just click the Edit link. - Check Payment
To check the payment option, just go to Setting > Payment. Same as the shipping, we've created a default payment for new store. It's is Cash. And you always can change it to Bank Transfer, via PayPal or etc. To change just click Edit. - Walla!
Done! Wonderful isn't it. Now it's time to invite the customers in!
Saya ada masalah nak upload produk. satu je boleh. produk yg ke-2 langsung tak lekat walaupun dah banyak kali add. Harap boleh tolong. Thanks.
Tahniah kepada semua yg terbabit dalam membangunkan lot.my. Semoga terus maju.
Mungkin saudara terlupa nak save selepas upload gambar tersebut. Sila cuba sekali lagi dan jika ada masalah, email suport team di bantu@lot.my
Terima kasih! Harap semua dapat terus menyokong Lot.my!
kene buat satu forum/entry utk trouble FAQ dan utk org post problem
Juz wondering if U ada Plan lain slain Plan Basic yg free & limited product. Jika ada, can U pls email to me at admin@razlicious.com all the quotation. FYI, I already have my own online store but looking for other e-commerce provider sbb nk tukar. So let say if I dah ada domain sendiri then nk pakai U punya e-commerce solution, then mcm mana nak buat? Thanks
-Razli Affendy
system problem ke...naper nak bukak my store tak leh..
terima kasih kerana menyediakan lot.my
boleh tak saya register my online shop dulu tanpa uploadkan produk utk di jual
terima kasih
hii nak tanya mcmana nak sign in bila kita dh daftarkan kita punya kedai..susah bonarr ni...takkan setiap kali nak sign in kena melalui emel yang mula2 sekali dihatar padakita tu...konpiuslaaa..tolonnngggg
saya dah sign up tapi nak repair dan update tak boleh saya punya web dia tulis maintenance. saya punya web http://power.lot.my. macam mana yee..??? boleh bantu tak???? email:ela2381@yahoo.com
sy x puas hati kerana ada kesilapan pada cadarkanak2.lot.my. sy baru belajar nk iklankan jualan sy, boleh sy register semula kerana nk tukar nama kedai tersebut.- jzurina@yahoo.com.my
saya nak tanya..
adakah untuk mendafdar dalam lot.my memerlukan apa-apa bayaran???
photoarts baru reg. Dah ngantuk pula..besuk sambung.
Salam..saya ada listkan produk lebih daripada 8 tetapi nak keluar kat display cuma 8 sahaja dan takde pulak link ke next page. jadi hanya produk 8 yang terbaru sahaja yang boleh nampak. macam mana ni?
kedai saya http://sexyliciousbeauty.lot.my/
hi AZZUAN SHAH >> sekarang dah okay kot. sy takde pon problem bhgian viewing all items.
cube click link 'View All Products' .lepas tu dh bleh nampak sume item dalam store
slmt berjaya
Why the product is not view at the home webpage? Although click in to the View All Product, it still didn't show up any product? Thanks for the help: qx_teo@yahoo.com
saya dah cuba tapi tak keluar plak produk yang telah dimasukkan.. try tengok ni
cuba semak..
Maaf saya mohon saya dah register tapi tak berkenan dengan nama kedai tersebut.
Boleh saya register semula sesuai dengan produk
yang nak diniagakan kelak.
saya mahu upload gambar, tapi gambarnya tidak keluar walaupun saya dah save... kenapa agaknya??
hi,,, sila minta bantuan, saya tidak dapat upload gambar walaupun size file photo produt tu kurang dari 300kb.. apa masalah??
Sabah sarawak postal charge different tp keluar sbg satu piihan aje mcm mana nk tukar
Saya dah register tapi tak boleh buka store. Dan satu lagi, bila saya log out, then nak buka balik kat admin tu ada masalah kat password. padahal saya guna password yang sama diberi mula2 tu dalam email. Really need help. TQVM
Assalamualaikum. Saya baru je daftar..kalau saya belum nak letak akaun bank sekarang boleh ke? Saya belum buat keputusan nak guna bank yang mana. Hanya nak pamer produk dan tunggu pembeli dahulu.. Bantu saya. TQ!
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