
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mempelajari dari Groupon tentang pemasaran di laman web

Artikel ini diinspirasikan sepenuhnya oleh syarikat diskaun online terkenal dunia,

Mengekalkan momentum didalam newsletter harian bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah, lebih-lebih lagi dengan jumlah pelanggan yang beratus-ratus ribu didalam senarai email mereka. Sekali saja silap, pelanggan akan 'unsubscribe' dari langganan dan mereka akan dibawa ke laman 'unsubscribe' mereka di sini.

Apa yang menarik disini, selepas pelanggan 'unsubscribe' mereka akan dibawa kelaman 'unsubscribe' yang menunjukkan video salah seorang pekerja mereka yang sedang kecewa kerana pelanggan telah unsubscribe. Disini mereka cuba menunjukkan situasi yang sebenar berlaku apabila pelanggan unsubscribe. Mereka cuba memujuk anda untuk melanggan semula. Menarik kan? Pelanggan mungkin tidak akan subscribe semula, tetapi sekurang-kurangnya, ia meninggalkan kesan positif terhadap Groupon.

Di sini, kita boleh pelajari dari Groupon tentang membina personaliti. adalah satu contoh yang bagus bagi syarikat yang mempunyai personaliti yang baik diinternet.

Syarikat online yang pandai membina personaliti sendiri akan menjadi 'favourite' pelanggan dan memudahkan usaha untuk mengekalkan kesetiaan pelanggan.

Bukan ini sahaja, beberapa perkara lain yang boleh dipelajari dari selain dari taktik 'email unsubscription' tadi. Disini ada satu lagi yang boleh anda pelajari dari mereka.

Tulis blog adalah salah satu syarikat online yang terkenal dan sudah mendapat tempat di enjin carian seperti Google. Yang lebih menarik tentang mereka, mereka bukan sahaja menulis artikel blog yang biasa, tetapi mereka mampu membuat pelanggan mereka 'take action' setelah membaca artikel blog mereka.

Blog yang bagus, biasanya memberi informasi dan nasihat percuma, tetapi ia sebenarnya adalah langkah pertama dalam komunikasi dengan pelanggan.

Pembaca anda boleh memberi maklum balas, kritikan melalui blog anda. Ini membuktikan boleh menghasilkan suatu suasana mudah bagi pelanggan anda berkomunikasi dengan anda dan ini akan meningkatkan kesetiaan pelanggan terhadap produk anda.

Satu lagi yang menarik tentang, mereka memberi maklumbalas yang mesra dan bukan melalui 'skrip'. Mereka mampu menukar maklumbalas negatif pelanggan menjadi maklumbalas positif, yang akan membantu memperbaiki imej syarikat dimasa akan datang. Anda boleh rujuk blog mereka disini -

Monday, December 19, 2011

10 Ways To Kick Start Your New Year

You have to love a New Year. It means you can start afresh, change your wayward habits and create new stretch goals for you and your business.

It is also a great time for reflection and to celebrate all the successes and failures of the year that is now behind you. You can take through the things you did well into the New Year, and leave behind the screwups (but not the lessons learned).

If you haven’t already, I suggest you take time out for yourself to write down what you want your 2012 to look like in every way, shape and form possible.

As the experts say, if you don’t know where you’re going how will you know how to get there? The same is true for what you envisage for yourself – the clearer you can get, the more realistic it will be, and the more likely it will happen.

To ensure your 2012 is truly exceptional, here are the top 10 things you can start doing now:

1. Expect the best for yourself.
There’s nothing selfish in wanting to live the best possible life. Set your sights high, push yourself and always keep the big picture in mind. You’re going to need a fair amount of discipline to stay focused and achieve a life that you love, that you’re passionate about and that makes you happy. You know it’ll be worth it!

2. Love your gorgeous self.
The above can’t be achieved if you don’t appreciate yourself, warts and all. You are probably your own toughest critic, so don’t forget to let up on myself once and while and celebrate your achievements. Congratulate yourself during the year when you’re making great progress. Take time out to treat yourself each time you reach a milestone.

3. Have a grand vision for your business.
Let’s face it 2011 was a tough year for anyone in business. 2012 can only get better so it’s time to envision the success your business will have in the New Year, the growth it will experience and the traction you’ll make through consistent and concerted effort in the right places. Keep that picture in your mind and solidify it on a daily basis through whatever works for you – vision boards, written statements, weekly progress sheets or constructive team meetings.

4. Surround yourself with positivity.
No matter what, stay positive. Just stick to your company’s vision and think positive. Remember that problems don’t last long and having an optimistic outlook will get you through the toughest times. If you can’t muster it yourself, then turn to your support network of your best friends, mentors and advisors. Learn to let other people help you.

5. Plan ahead.
It is always best to have a clear plan in anything you do in life, especially in business. Better yet you should aim to have a plan A and a plan B for those times when things just aren’t working out. Flexibility and acting decisively on changes in your business landscape are key to success. Being flexible is more important than rigid plans set in stone. Life happens and you need to be able to react to make the most of it.

6. Bridge the gap.
A new year is also a year to re-connect with contacts and to start afresh with previous business relationships that may have gone sour. Learn to forgive. If you had a client or customer interaction that ended on a bad note then get in touch and ask how they are doing. Conduct business with an open heart and mind. It’s the best way forward for everyone.

7. Socialize more.
Get out and experience the world outside of your comfort zone, known as your office. Meet new people and exchange business cards with them. Who knows, that new acquaintance might be your next loyal client or future business collaboration. It invigorates your soul to meet with like-minded people and to learn from them. Don’t forget to pick up the phone and talk instead of just tweeting or emailing!

8. Become trendy.
Study the market and visualize what your target market may need or be interested in for the coming year. Read up on daily basis about emerging trends in your business space so you can stay ahead of the game, and prepare for your next move towards making your business more profitable. Around this time of the year you’ll see a lot of great articles on what to expect in 2012. Make sure you read them.

9. Share your fortunes.
Become a shining example of corporate social responsibility. Plan an activity where your company can contribute and help the less fortunate members of the community. It doesn’t have to be a grand party that needs to be publicized. A simple act of donating to an organization that’s making a difference is enough to show you care.

10. Relax and enjoy life.
It’s easy to say this when you’re on holiday but it really won’t hurt if let yourself enjoy yourself with mini breaks throughout the year. Yes, as entrepreneurs we tend to love our business and become addicted to it, but taking a break to recharge will do you and your business wonders.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cara Menggunakan Fungsi Option di Kedai Online Anda

Jika anda lihat di dalam pilihan Catalog > Product, terdapat satu tab fungsi “Option” untuk produk anda (rujuk gambar di bawah).

Secara ringkasnya, fungsi “Option” ini kegunaannya adalah untuk anda menambah pilihan kepada produk anda. Bermakna, ini akan memberi lebih pilihan kepada pelanggan anda semasa membuat pembelian. Di bawah di tunjukkan tutorial cara untuk menggunakan fungsi “Option”ini:

1) Pada tab Option, klik pada pilihan Add Option.

2) Kemudian, akan keluar beberapa ruang kosong untuk maklumat yang perlu anda isikan:

Option - Masukkan nama pilihan utama (Contohnya, saiz, warna, cas kad kredit, cas paypal)

Sort Order – Susunan pilihan.

Option Value – Nilai atau pilihan di bawah pilihan utama iaitu Option.

3) Setelah selesai, klik pada butang Save.

4) Setelah Save, pilihan (Option) akan di masukkan kedalam produk anda.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Contest Mingguan Menangi Pelbagai Hadiah Menarik!

Contest datang lagi! Kali ini kami akan buat secara mingguan atau kalau sambutan menggalakkan, setiap hari pun kami boleh buat. Okay untuk maklumat jelas mengenai contest ini, anda boleh lihat dibawah:


1. Baca 2 soalan yang kami berikan di status Facebook fan page kami. (
2. Sahkan penyertaan dengan klik butang Share pada status soalan contest tersebut di Facebook.
3. Hantar jawapan anda ke dalam borang dibawah.

HADIAH: Tshirt eksklusif (Minggu #1)


- Setiap peserta hanya boleh membuat satu penyertaan sahaja.
- Peserta tidak boleh memberikan jawapan di mana-mana status Facebook atau di blog
- Contest akan ditutup 24 jam selepas soalan diumumkan.
- 2 pemenang adalah penjawab yang betul dan dipilih secara rawak oleh juri.
- Pemenang akan dihubungi melalui email.
- Peserta perlu menghantar jawapan melalui borang submit di bawah.
- Peserta perlu mengesahkan penyertaan dengan klik pada butang Share di status peraduan.

Good luck!
